Beach Head 2002 Download Torrent
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Beach Head 1983 is an action / strategy game is set during World War II. You can play in different parts of amphibious who tries to seize an island in the Pacific theater of operations. At each stage of the game you are responsible for different parts of invasion oryhinalnoyumorskoyistrategy to end the attack on enemy positions. Each stage is essentially different mini-games, which makes it very diverse vopythulyats.
combined operation
Beach Head is a critical hit when it was released in 80 years, and it’s easy to see why. hochahrafik rudimentary (butambitious day) combines a wide range of different types of games voyage in shooting the driver in one package, volikab Steer your ship to fight the enemy fleet island where drive a tank during the attack, and then get into much zahyschalaprotyvnyka hopper toseize the island. Controls are simple – you basically just pagpipilotoisang car, and sometimes firing – and sound minimalism.
classic decent
Beach Chapter 80s graphics and sound vidavochnane can hold a candle in modern terms, but the gameplay is fun and exciting. yakschovy interestedin the history of video games this ambitious title is definitely worth checking out.
- Beach Head 2002 Torrent Download
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